Multiple Grants and Projects of Nation Wide |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Myanmar National |
$0 |
Myanmar |
Regional Artemisinin Initiative 2 Elimination (RAI2E) - RSSH |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Ministry of Economic and Finance |
$5,999,494 |
MALARIA ELIMINATION PROJECTS AMONG FOREST GOERS: Deployment of malaria elimination interventions in high risk military populations near Cambodia-Thai border in support of malaria elimination in the region |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences (AFRIMS) |
$506,615 |
Cambodia |
Minimising the risk of malaria among forest goers in the Greater Mekong Subregion |
GF-RAI2E grant |
University of Oxford (Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research) (MORU) |
$1,220,714 |
Thailand |
Effectiveness of forest-based malaria control interventions in large forests of Cambodia |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) |
$1,313,397 |
Cambodia |
Engaging the Non-Health Corporate Sector
to Support Malaria Control and Elimination Activities |
GF-RAI2E grant |
The Republic of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) |
$829,245 |
Myanmar |
Assessing community-based active case detection and treatment of P falciparum and P vivax malaria in high risk populations |
GF-RAI2E grant |
University of California_San Francisco (UCSF) |
$1,792,708 |
Improving the understanding of environmental conditions which influence malaria transmission in Eastern Kayin State |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Shoklo Malaria Research Unit (SMRU) Package 2 |
$209,542 |
Myanmar |
Enhancing community participation in malaria elimination in Vietnam |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Center for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI) |
$1,890,834 |
Vietnam |
Enhancing community participation in malaria elimination in Vietnam |
GF-RAI2E grant |
World Health Organization (WHO) |
$927,000 |
Expansion of malaria surveillance along eastern, western and southern borders of Thailand |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Shoklo Malaria Research Unit, Mahidol University (SMRU_DTFF) |
$1,868,966 |
Thailand |
Optimal community-delivered malaria elimination model(s) for Greater Mekong Sub-region |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Burnet Institute (BI) |
$800,909 |
Myanmar |
Implementation and evaluation of the P. vivax radical cure intervention |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Health and Social Development (HSD) |
$523,665 |
Cambodia |
Malaria Elimination Realised through Community-focused Interventions (MERCI) |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Health Poverty Action (HPA)_Laos (regional component) |
$1,779,977 |
Lao PDR |
Malaria Elimination Realised through Community-focused Interventions (MERCI) |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Health Poverty Action (HPA)_Vietnam (regional component) |
$1,733,782 |
Vietnam |
Regional Artemisinin Resistance Initiative 2 – Elimination |
GF-RAI2E grant |
The Centre for Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology (CMPE) (National) |
$6,761,622 |
Lao PDR |
Regional Artemisinin Initiative |
GF-RAI2E grant |
National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology (NIMPE) (National) |
$27,314,512 |
Vietnam |
Regional Artemisinin Resistance Initiative towards Elimination of Malaria |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Division of Vector Borne Diseases (DVBD) |
$12,818,994 |
Thailand |
Regional Artemisinin Resistance Initiative 2 Elimination (RAI2E) |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Population Services International (PSI Vietnam) |
$865,178 |
Vietnam |
Strengthening People-Centered Malaria Elimination by Empowering Vulnerable Community and Multi-sectoral Partnership Development (SPEED) |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Community Health and Inclusion Association (CHIAs) |
$660,526 |
Lao PDR |
Intensify malaria case detection and management through integrated community case management, community outreach, community advocacy, community system strengthening and linkages to contribute to RAI target and step forwards to the elimination of malaria in Lao PDR by 2030 |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Population Education and Development Association (PEDA) |
$637,521 |
Lao PDR |
WHO Technical support for the implementation of the Global Fund "Regional Artemisinin-resistance Initiative - 2 Elimination (RAI-2E)" grant in Lao PDR |
GF-RAI2E grant |
World Health Organization (WHO) |
$1,586,607 |
Regional Artemisinin Initiative 2 Elimination (RAI2E) - RSSH |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Population Services International (PSI/C) |
$6,002,533 |
Cambodia |
National Malaria Control Programme in Myanmar |
GF-RAI2E grant |
National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) |
$44,602,993 |
Myanmar |
Intensifying Malaria Control and Accelerating Progress Towards Malaria Elimination in High Transmission and Hard-to-reach Areas |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Medical Action Myanmar - C |
$7,200,344 |
Myanmar |
Quality Diagnosis and Standard Treatment of Malaria (QDSTM) Project |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Myanmar Medical Association (MMA) |
$2,797,637 |
Myanmar |
Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) |
GF-RAI2E grant |
WHO_Pharma_Regional |
$910,096 |
Cambodia |
RAI2E regional component: Supporting a Regional CSO platform and Malaria CSOs work to address access to services to the community in the GMS region) |
GF-RAI2E grant |
American Refugee Committee (ARC) |
$945,396 |
Myanmar |
Improving access to appropriate malaria case management in the private sector |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Population Services International (PSI) |
$2,053,569 |
Myanmar |
Community-based Program for Malaria Prevention |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS) |
$2,167,664 |
Myanmar |
Regional Artemisinin Initiative 2 Elimination (RAI2E) - RSSH |
GF-RAI2E grant |
National Center for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control (CNM) (National) |
$14,856,567 |
Cambodia |
Regional Artemisinin Resistance Initiative towards Elimination of Malaria |
GF-RAI2E grant |
International Organization for Migration (IOM) |
$1,096,246 |
Myanmar |
Intensifying Malaria Control and Accelerating Progress Towards Malaria Elimination in High Transmission and Hard-to-reach Areas |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Save the Children Federation, Inc |
$2,170,409 |
Myanmar |
Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC) Community Based Malaria Prevention and Control Project |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC) |
$2,392,102 |
Myanmar |
Intensifying Malaria Control and Accelerating Progress Towards Malaria Elimination in High Transmission and Hard-to-reach Areas |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Medical Action Myanmar (MAM) |
$1,932,550 |
Myanmar |
Monitoring antimalarial drug efficacy and resistance in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) |
GF-RAI2E grant |
WHO_Therapeutic Efficacy Surveillance_Regional |
$1,893,583 |
China |
Technical Assistance to Scaling Up of Malaria Control in Myanmar Funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Save the Children International |
$5,833,436 |
Myanmar |
RAI2E regional component: Supporting a Regional CSO platform and Malaria CSOs work to address access to services to the community in the GMS region) |
GF-RAI2E grant |
American Refugee Committee (ARC) |
$0 |
Thailand |
Malaria Elimination Realised through Community-focused Interventions (MERCI) |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Health Poverty Action (HPA) |
$5,109,886 |
Myanmar |
Regional Artemisinin Initiative |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Shoklo Malaria Research Unit, Mahidol University (SMRU) |
$2,161,899 |
Myanmar |
RAI Regional Steering Committee Secretariat & Independent Monitoring Panel |
GF-RAI2E grant |
WHO_Independent Monitoring Panel and RSC |
$1,768,836 |
Myanmar |
Malaria Elimination Realised through Community-focused Interventions (MERCI) |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Health Poverty Action (HPA)_Cambodia (regional component) |
$1,540,964 |
Cambodia |
Intensifying Malaria Control and Accelerating Progress Towards Malaria Elimination in High Transmission and Hard-to-reach Areas |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Malteser International (MI) |
$1,118,652 |
Myanmar |
Regional Artemisinin Initiative 2 Elimination (RAI2E) - RSSH |
GF-RAI2E grant |
CARE International (CI) |
$2,881,922 |
Cambodia |
Empowering Community for Malaria Control Towards Malaria Elimination in Myanmar (EC MCME) |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Myanmar Health Assistant Association (MHAA) |
$515,559 |
Myanmar |
Regional Artemisinin Initiative 2 Elimination (RAI2E) - RSSH |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Catholic Relief Services – United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) (CRS) |
$2,618,975 |
Cambodia |
RAI2 E Regional Component |
GF-RAI2E grant |
Raks Thai Foundation |
$585,368 |
Thailand |
Malaria Elimination Database (MEDB) for the Greater Mekong subregion (GMS) |
GF-RAI2E grant |
WHO_Mekong Malaria Elimination Database_Regional |
$941,602 |
Cambodia |