
Early and accurate diagnosis of malaria by community malaria volunteers trained in using Rapid Diagnostic Test Kits allows for prompt and effective treatment of the disease with artemisinin-based combination therapies. This promotes early treatment seeking for malaria among the at-risk populations, essential to contain the spread of artemisinin resistance and accelerate elimination of malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion.  Photo: John Rae/The Global Fund
Artemisinin and its derivatives are powerful medicines known for their ability to swiftly reduce the number of malaria parasites in the blood of...
Village malaria workers are trained and equipped to raise awareness, distribute mosquito nets and diagnose and treat malaria in their communities. The closest health centre provides them with the necessary medical equipment and supplies and is also responsible for authorising e-payments.	    Photo: The Global Fund
In Cambodia, 3,247 village malaria workers are now back in action after RAI2E implemented new payments procedures. Online money transfers have cut...
Migrants, refugees and other mobile population groups – such as longer-term forest goers and their families who work in logging, construction projects, mining or other forest-related commercial projects – are at high risk of malaria and have limited access to prevention, diagnostic testing and treatment services for malaria. RAI2E is bringing quality malaria services to the most vulnerable communities in Myanmar’s remote rural areas, where access to quality malaria care is most limited and the need is great
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS. Tuberculosis and Malaria will continue to support five Southeast Asian countries to expand efforts against malaria,...
It has been a great pleasure to work with you in 2017. We look forward to continuing our partnership and achieving even greater results together in...
The meeting of the senior officials of the Malaria Elimination in Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) by 2030 was held in Nay Pyi Taw. Photo: UNOPS
The meeting of the senior officials of the Malaria Elimination in Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) by 2030 was held in Nay Pyi Taw on 8 December 2017...
Drug-resistant malaria is a growing menace across the Greater Mekong region. Such drug resistance poses a major threat to global health security....
Malaria diagnosis and treatment is provided free by the ARC malaria project, Kawthaung Township. Photo: ARC
It brings her joy to see her patients recover and be able to go back to work. They often greet her warmly during her community visits. “They thank me...
Across the five countries of the Greater Mekong Region (GMS), the Global Fund supports more than 20,000 village malaria workers like Saw Zarli....
HPA malaria post workers in Laos provide counselling along with malaria treatment to patients. Photo: HPA
Mobile migrant populations and forest-goers are at higher risk of malaria. However, it is not always easy to gain their trust as they fear that...
Malaria is preventable and curable – with the right drugs. The countries of the Mekong – Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam – are making...
Joint field visit team members together with villagers, village stakeholders and field project staff from KDHW, SMRU and MAM. Photo: UNOPS
PR-UNOPS RAI team carried out a joint field visit with the National Malaria Control Programme and World Health Organization, to the project...
RAI supports ISO accreditation of FDA Myanmar
The Regional Artemisinin-resistance Initiative (RAI) grant is funding support to strengthen the capacity of the Myanmar Food and Drug Administration...
