Cambodia has achieved significant levels of malaria reduction. However, the local mobile and migrant populations in rural areas still lack access to malaria services. Through the Regional Artemisinin-resistance Initiative (RAI3E) grant, supported by the Global Fund, Malaria Consortium, in close collaboration with the National Malaria Program (CNM), has focused efforts on providing quality mobile malaria services to the most vulnerable and most at risk of infection from the remaining Plasmodium cases in the country. RAI3E aims to contribute towards Cambodia’s goal of eliminating P. falciparum by 2023 and P. vivax by 2025.
Northern Cambodia – the forested areas bordering Lao PDR and Thailand in particular – accounts for the majority (over 70 per cent) of Cambodia’s malaria cases and the highest prevalence of reported cases among mobile and migrant populations. Malaria Consortium has been working closely with CNM and other partners to accelerate coordinated efforts to implement the malaria project in the region.
Increased malaria testing
Since 2020, malaria cases have decreased as malaria testing numbers have risen in Cambodia. Malaria Consortium has many years’ experience in targeting hard-to-reach populations with active case detection approaches tailored to the remote populations in forested border areas in northern Cambodia. The support of RAI3E has contributed to the reduction of malaria transmission among populations who are unable to travel the long distance to their nearest health centre.