Capacity building for RAI2E partners: making programmes accountable 30.07.2019

UNOPS-PR Capacity Building Officer Khin Nyein Thit together with the Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC) field staff during a capacity building training in Kalay Township, Chin State. Photo: UNOPS

More than 60 staff from partners implementing the Global Fund grants in Myanmar have been trained in areas related to financial sustainability and internal control since January 2019. Local partners get regular on-site trainings as part of ongoing support by UNOPS-PR for more efficient programme implementation.

To make Global Fund supported programmes more accountable, all local partners should be aware of various areas of financial management, including financial sustainability, organizational culture and internal control.

UNOPS-PR’s ongoing support to its partners includes building capacity in various areas of financial controls and organizational management. This year’s trainings have been conducted for the Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC) and Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association (MANA).


Group discussions during the capacity building training facilitate the exchange of experiences from across different duty stations in various townships implementing the Global Fund grant.
Group discussions during the capacity building training facilitate the exchange of experiences from across different duty stations in various townships implementing the Global Fund grant.

Since January 2019, more than 60 project staff have been trained, including monitoring and evaluation (M&E) officers, field medical coordinators, township activity managers, logistics officers, area officers, admin and finance staff, and project directors. They are involved in the day-to-day implementation of project activities supported by the Global Fund.

The on-site trainings used hands-on exercises and group work to cover a wide range of topics related to financial sustainability and other essentials of financial management and internal control. These included: key elements of financial sustainability, organizational assessment, organizational strategic planning, human resources management, management accounting, organizational culture and structure, and the importance of communication channels; fraud prevention and internal control; basic and advanced use of Excel functions; audit function; and risk management.

UNOPS-PR Capacity Building Associate Naw Deliver together with the Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC) field staff during a capacity building training in Kalay Township, Chin State. Photo: UNOPS
UNOPS-PR Capacity Building Associate Naw Deliver together with the Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC) field staff during a capacity building training in Kalay Township, Chin State. Photo: UNOPS

Participants got the chance to express their expectations at the beginning of each training. “This is the first time I have attended this kind of training. I am new to the project and the training suits our needs. We plan to apply the knowledge and skills gained in our work,” says U Tun Tun Win, Field Medical Coordinator, MCC, Chin State.

Some of the training sessions that participants described as their favourites were: organizational culture; basic and advanced use of Excel functions; organizational structure; fraud prevention and internal control.

UNOPS-PR Capacity Building Officer Khin Nyein Thit describes the series of capacity building trainings being provided by UNOPS-PR for its local partners implementing the Global Fund grants. “We want smooth project implementation. We find that there are knowledge gaps, which can affect the quality and timeliness of their reporting. Our training is adapted for both new and old staff. For the former, it intends to close their knowledge gaps in office internal control and management, computer literacy, data compilation and reporting. For the latter, it refreshes their existing knowledge, as learning is a continuous process,” she explains.

Group discussions during the capacity building training facilitate the exchange of experiences from across different duty stations in various townships implementing the Global Fund grant. Photo: UNOPS
Group discussions during the capacity building training facilitate the exchange of experiences from across different duty stations in various townships implementing the Global Fund grant. Photo: UNOPS

UNOPS-PR carried out pre- and post-testing at the beginning and end of the training so that future capacity building trainings could be improved based on findings. Participants’ suggestions are helpful feedback to make future trainings meet their expectations and requirements.

The trainings extended to other areas of project financial management like supporting management, work-planning, organizational values, and ways to build harmonious project teams and enhance mutual respect across the spectrum of organizational hierarchy. Efficient programme implementation is always within the reach of a strong project team.

“The training benefits our work tremendously. It is very practical and useful. Each of us has to use a computer and we are involved with data management. Therefore, use of Excel functions is very helpful. We learn about organizational culture and ways to get their involvement with project activities like LLIN distribution. I have been working for six years and we have learned this before but it is always good to refresh our knowledge from time to time,” says Daw Kay Thi Mar, Township Activity Manager, MCC, Matupi Township, Chin State.

Group presentations during the capacity building trainings provide a platform to collectively find ways to formulate solutions and help the peer-to-peer learning process. Photo: UNOPS
Group presentations during the capacity building trainings provide a platform to collectively find ways to formulate solutions and help the peer-to-peer learning process. Photo: UNOPS

During the training, some comments and feedback from participants included: “Group discussions are very interactive and our colleagues ask a lot of questions as they have many things to share. Practical exercises with use of basic and advanced Excel functions are very useful for our data management and reporting. Sessions on organizational culture and structure help those involved with day-to-day coordination and management. We get an overview of internal control and why it is important to check each voucher for eligibility. The session on organization culture and structure is very useful. The training curriculum is well organized with interrelated topics.”

Reflecting on their own work and the challenges they face, some participants suggested this kind of training should be conducted earlier, at the start of the project. They suggest that more time be allocated for each topic with more concise information. They would like to have translations for some unfamiliar terminologies, as they have different educational levels and backgrounds.

UNOPS-PR capacity building team together with the Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC) field staff during a training in Kalay Township this year.  Photo: UNOPS
UNOPS-PR capacity building team together with the Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC) field staff during a training in Kalay Township this year. Photo: UNOPS

Participants are committed to building stronger teams back at their respective duty stations. They are eager to share the topics of the training during continuing education sessions with their respective team members, who will benefit from knowledge sharing.