GF-RAI3E grant

Project Title: GF-RAI3E grant
GF-RAI3E grant
Principal Recipient:
Implementing Sub-Recipient:
Save the Children International
01 January 2021 to 31 December 2023

Key Activities

1. Quarterly Supportive Supervision and Routine Monitoring by Central Level
2. Supervision & Monitoring of ICMVs by NGO project staffs
3. LLIN distribution
4. Coordination meeting among NMCP focal and SCI focal from Saw, Sidoktaya, Ngape, Magway and Mindon
5. Case Investigation and FOCI Investigation _ Elimination Activities
6. Integrated Community Malaria Volunteer Training/ Refresher Training
7. Annual Evaluation Workshop

Results from Jan-Dec 2024
Location Total Population Target Population Tested Number of suspected malaria cases received parasitological test Positive Case Number of malaria cases received antimalarial treatment
Sidoktaya N/A 0 101 7
Saw N/A 0 16 N/A
Mindon N/A 19,587 2941 74
Ngape N/A 17,125 2936 57
Saw N/A 28,707 2116 24
Sidoktaya N/A 16,139 4753 173