GF-RAI3E grant

Project Title: GF-RAI3E grant
GF-RAI3E grant
Principal Recipient:
Implementing Sub-Recipient:
Health Poverty Action (HPA)
01 January 2021 to 31 December 2023

Key Activities

1. Train and support ICMVs on case management and elimination
2. Intensified case detection in hotspot townships and among the specific population such as migrants and IDPs
3. Support NMCP/EHOs in malaria elimination activities
4. Scale up real time reporting by ICMVs with mobile technology
5. Mapping of private sectors involving in malaria case management
6. Continue to improve the capacity of EHO health facilities on microscopy, case management and elimination activities
7. Support EHO clinic staff to provide supportive supervision to ICMVs in their catchment area
8. Support both EHO clinics and private clinics to refer malaria severe cases and TB, HIV etc.
9. Strengthening the Enabling environment for malaria Elimination
10. Support cross-border collaboration between Myanmar NMCP and China CDC
11. Capacity Building of EHO (KSR2, SSR2-WA, and SSR4)
12. Community health workers: In-service training
13. In-service training (excluding community health workers)
14. LLIN distribution
15. Data management training to EHO central and clinic level health staff

Results from Jan-Dec 2024
Location Total Population Target Population Tested Number of suspected malaria cases received parasitological test Positive Case Number of malaria cases received antimalarial treatment
Chipwi N/A 0 2999 120
Injangyang N/A 0 7559 1924
Khaunglanhpu N/A 0 569 2
Mansi N/A 0 9593 149
Momauk N/A 0 12228 2669
Shwegu N/A 0 66 36
Sumprabum N/A 0 24 1
Tsawlaw N/A 0 14 N/A
Waingmaw N/A 0 138 4
Chipwi N/A 0 35 2
Injangyang N/A 0 78 25
Khaunglanhpu N/A 0 76 1
Mongla N/A 0 5 N/A
Mongyang N/A 0 35 N/A
Mongyawng N/A 0 28 N/A
Mongyang N/A 24,630 6657 N/A
Mongyawng N/A 14,959 2596 N/A
Narphan N/A 13,761 3360 N/A
Pangsang N/A 41,544 3592 N/A
Pangwaun N/A 8,926 3526 N/A
Chipwi N/A 14,566 2749 553
Shwegu N/A 0 593 163
Hopang N/A 7,457 3285 227
Sumprabum N/A 23,706 3442 805
Injangyang N/A 5,397 7102 2155
Tanai N/A 0 1757 453
Khaunglanhpu N/A 6,051 529 3
Tsawlaw N/A 6,295 1686 42
Konkyan N/A 1,121 192 N/A
Waingmaw N/A 31,278 23660 5439
Laukkaing N/A 68,734 1320 4
Mansi N/A 6,666 9412 228
Matman N/A 11,158 1190 N/A
Momauk N/A 9,491 15732 4361
Mongla N/A 2,653 1829 1
Mongmao N/A 15,982 2649 32