Regional Artemisinin Initiative (RAI3E)

Project Title: Regional Artemisinin Initiative (RAI3E)
GF-RAI3E grant
Principal Recipient:
Implementing Sub-Recipient:
The Centre for Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology (CMPE) (National)
01 January 2021 to 31 December 2023

Key Activities

1. Case management: Integrated community case management through a network of 2,200 village malaria volunteers in malaria high and moderate burden areas; case management through health centers, hospitals and private sectors; active case detection and investigation; integrated drug efficacy surveillance
2. Vector Control: 100% LLINs coverage for malaria high and moderate burden areas through mass campaigns; LLINs distribution targeted to mobile migrant populations, pregnant women and military; entomological monitoring
3. RSSH - Health Management Information Systems and M&E: capacity building of health staff on DHIS2 and surveillance; continuous update of malaria stratification; LLINs post-distribution survey; supervision visits to different levels
4. RSSH - Health sector governance and planning: high level advocacy for sustainable financing for malaria; Technical working groups meetings;
5. Program management: bottom-up planning meetings with all provinces and districts every 6 months; human resource support at central and provincial level;
6. Procurement and supply chain management: procurement of malaria RDTs, ACTs, LLINs, other non-health items

Results from Jan-Dec 2024
Location Total Population Target Population Tested Number of suspected malaria cases received parasitological test Positive Case Number of malaria cases received antimalarial treatment
Xaythany 303,055 303,055 1,228
Thathom 27,928 27,928 630 N/A
Kham 61,847 61,847 1,873 N/A
Hadxaifong 112,088 112,088 2
Longcheng 32,818 32,818 444 N/A
Nonghed 61,571 61,571 2,495 N/A
Sangthong 35,543 35,543 997
Hom 9,559 9,559 227 N/A
Khoune 38,887 38,887 1,026 N/A
Pakngum 63,786 63,786 1,120
Longxan 10,941 10,941 619 N/A
Mok-Mai 21,539 21,539 1,223 N/A
Phonhong 59,914 59,914 1,657 N/A
Xayabury 90,196 90,196 2,011 N/A
Phoukood 35,373 35,373 1,775 N/A
Thoulakhom 52,472 52,472 1,661 N/A
Khop 26,306 26,306 517 N/A
Phaxay 20,836 20,836 570 N/A
Keo-Oudom 19,991 19,991 1,278 N/A
Hongsa 35,906 35,906 665 N/A
Lamarm 45,006 45,006 27,907 64
Kasy 42,755 42,755 1,436 N/A
Ngeun 24,659 24,659 655 N/A
Kaleum 15,142 15,142 13,846 42
Vangvieng 62,840 62,840 1,963 N/A
Xienghone 37,364 37,364 774 N/A
Dakcheung 23,182 23,182 11,860
Feuang 49,592 49,592 1,046 N/A
Phiang 62,931 62,931 1,813 N/A
Thateng 48,287 48,287 20,961 6
Xanakharm 46,381 46,381 985 N/A
Paklai 72,936 72,936 1,374 N/A
Chanthabuly 146,996 146,996 61 2
Mad 24,795 24,795 2,396 N/A
Kenthao 45,716 45,716 1,247 N/A
Sikhottabong 28,908 28,908 20
Viengkham (Vientiane. P) 36,228 36,228 543 N/A
Boten 18,407 18,407 935 N/A
Xaysetha (Vientiane. C) 96,450 96,450 15
Hinherb 33,534 33,534 634 N/A
Thongmixay 7,779 7,779 431 N/A
Sisattanak 74,124 74,124 12
Meun 43,525 43,525 792 N/A
Xaysathan 19,312 19,312 416 N/A
Naxaithong 112,100 112,100 977
Anouvong 31,763 31,763 539 N/A
Pek 74,138 74,138 1,223 N/A
Khamkeuth 75,820 75,820 2,070 N/A
Viengxay 45,853 45,853 1,322 N/A
Khounkham 29,433 29,433 2,256 1
Viengphoukha 33,379 33,379 1,586 N/A
Saravane 130,469 130,469 28,585 21
Champhone 135,089 135,089 4,313
Viengthong 36,433 36,433 1,174 N/A
Houameuang 44,402 44,402 1,245 N/A
Luang Prabang 88,459 88,459 1,492 N/A
Nalae 31,148 31,148 1,585 N/A
Taoi 42,370 42,370 21,092 15
Xaybouly 57,522 57,522 9,025 N/A
Xaychamphone 15,149 15,149 538 N/A
Xam-tay 76,489 76,489 1,120 N/A
Xiengngeun 35,422 35,422 1,011 N/A
Xay 89,369 89,369 1,048 N/A
Toumlan 29,718 29,718 11,592 28
Xonbouly 68,410 68,410 2,318 1
Samakkhixay 20,504 20,504 9,440 1
Pakse 76,820 76,820 23,762 22
Sopbao 32,596 32,596 978 N/A
Nan 31,120 31,120 1,449 N/A
La 26,679 26,679 1,196 N/A
Lakhonepheng 57,945 57,945 13,308
Vilabouly 44,972 44,972 6,446 1
Sanamxay 54,155 54,155 17,701 35
Sanasomboun 66,054 66,054 12,713
Et 32,369 32,369 1,210 N/A
Pak-Ou 34,216 34,216 686 N/A
Namor 51,119 51,119 1,860 N/A
Vapy 42,049 42,049 10,883 6
Atsaphone 59,286 59,286 8,553
Sanxay 30,892 30,892 26,322 19
Bachiang 63,012 63,012 15,453
Kuan 18,707 18,707 1,103 N/A
Nambak 67,157 67,157 2,148 N/A
Nga 37,422 37,422 1,659 N/A
Khongxedone 59,096 59,096 14,814
Xayphouthong 52,259 52,259 2,585
Phouvong 16,755 16,755 30,933 73
Paksong 90,512 90,512 20,645 2
Son 17,870 17,870 577 N/A
Ngoy 38,713 38,713 921 N/A
Beng 49,541 49,541 1,561 N/A
Laongam 93,917 93,917 16,025
Thaphalanxay 49,444 49,444 5,539
Huayxai 80,255 80,255 2,696 N/A
Pathoumphone 71,499 71,499 41,930 8
Thakhek 88,599 88,599 7,122
Pakxeng 13,667 13,667 1,811 N/A
Hoon 89,440 89,440 1,764 N/A
Sa Mouay 20,202 20,202 20,897 1
Tonpheung 39,283 39,283 847 N/A
Phonthong (Champasack) 81,300 81,300 8,271 2
Mahaxay 51,359 51,359 1,997
Phonexay 31,441 31,441 2,506 N/A
Pakbeng 31,683 31,683 1,212 N/A
Kaysone 142,376 142,376 9,030 1
Meung 16,313 16,313 624 N/A
Champasack 74,254 74,254 23,248
Nongbok 59,113 59,113 641
Chomphet 42,247 42,247 1,356 N/A
Phongsaly 30,647 30,647 1,928 N/A
Outhoumphone 98,037 98,037 8,050
PhaOudom 40,368 40,368 1,229 N/A
Others 67,503 67,503 19,130 1
Hinboun 58,051 58,051 1,090
Viengkham (Luang Prabang) 25,220 25,220 1,496 N/A
Mai 29,645 29,645 811 N/A
Atsaphangthong 59,829 59,829 8,476
Paktha 21,408 21,408 1,128 N/A
Mounlapamok 41,420 41,420 11,307
Nhommalath 40,890 40,890 3,662
Phoukhoune 20,360 20,360 2,291 N/A
Khua 35,511 35,511 2,282 N/A
Phine 77,595 77,595 20,164 5
Pakxane 52,891 52,891 1,722 N/A
Khong 92,210 92,210 24,814 2
Boualapha 38,845 38,845 6,156
Phonthong (Luang Prabang) 23,147 23,147 1,038 N/A
Samphanh 24,038 24,038 2,022 N/A
Others 61,715 61,715 35,188 25
Thaphabath 27,498 27,498 1,133 N/A
Xamneua 64,078 64,078 2,198 N/A
Nakay 29,711 29,711 10,012 249
Namtha 62,240 62,240 2,056 N/A
Bounneua 24,771 24,771 1,080 N/A
Nong 44,386 44,386 36,422 22
Pakkading 52,254 52,254 1,210 N/A
Xiengkhor 34,477 34,477 1,036 N/A
Xebangfay 35,296 35,296 1,715
Sing 49,354 49,354 3,625 N/A
NhotOu 28,364 28,364 2,084 N/A
Thapangthong 36,653 36,653 13,731
Bolikhanh 78,651 78,651 1,588 N/A
Hiem 19,493 19,493 512 N/A
Xaybouathong 25,826 25,826 1,392
Long 30,825 30,825 2,828 N/A
Bountai 39,196 39,196 604 N/A
Songkhone 109,986 109,986 5,860
Xaysetha (Attapeu) 48,265 48,265 18,760 43