Reducing the Malaria Burden and Impact of Multi-Drug Resistance in Attapeu and Champasak Provinces in Lao PDR

Project Title: Reducing the Malaria Burden and Impact of Multi-Drug Resistance in Attapeu and Champasak Provinces in Lao PDR
GF-RAI2E grant
Principal Recipient:
Implementing Sub-Recipient:
Health Poverty Action (HPA)_Laos (country component)
01 January 2018 to 31 December 2020

Key Activities

• Conduct Needs assessment, mapping and selection of the Village Malaria Workers (VMWs)/Malaria Post Volunteers (MPVs) in target villages (160 strata 3 villages)
• Training of village volunteers (VMWs & MPVs) for Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM)
• Community mobilization, community dialogues and active case detection beyond the villages into hard to reach areas, development project sites
• Monitoring and supervision from provincial & district level to VMWs/MPVs
• Supporting/setting up Malaria Posts in selected villages as necessary (basic furniture and materials)
• Procurement of supplies and materials including first aid remedies for (ICCM) for MPVs and VMWs
• Development and printing of IEC/BCC materials
• Annual planning and review meeting with program team and program partners
• Monitoring and supervision from central HPA staffs including participation in trainings, meetings and workshops done by HPA/ other partners under RAI grant