Regional Artemisinin Initiative 2 Elimination (RAI2E) - RSSH
Key Activities
• Provide Clinical and Microscopy trainings to relevant sub-national levels (PHD/Provincial Hospital/OD/Referral Hospital/HC staff
• Provide refresher training on the VMW program and VMW ToT to PHD/OD staff & training to HC staff by PHD/OD
• Conduct Quarterly/Semester supervision and National Competency Assessment to microscopist by Provincial hospitals/CNM
• Recruit the replacement of VMWs
• Provide training to new replacement / refresher training to existing/ training of new of VMWs and MMW at HC
• Conduct monthly VMW/MMW meetings
• Quarterly supervision of selected VMWs by PHD/OD/HC
• Conduct community mobilization workshops by HCs/VMWs with participation from community, ODs and identified actors
• Map private providers for inclusion in the PPM program
• Provide refresher training on the PPM program and PPM ToT to PHD/OD staff/ Refresher training to PPM Providers
• Conduct Bi-monthly meetings with private providers at OD
• Conduct Monthly/Quarterly Supervision & QA/Supervision visits by OD/PHD to OD/PPs under the PPM program
• PPM Transition 2018
• Set up and maintain MMWs
Location | Total Population | Target Population | Tested Number of suspected malaria cases received parasitological test | Positive Case Number of malaria cases received antimalarial treatment |
Sen Monorom | N/A | 95,897 | 53061 | 1309 |
Banlung | N/A | 167,488 | 66650 | 1105 |
Borkeo | N/A | 83,955 | 27854 | 154 |
Chhlong | N/A | 138,636 | 5028 | 36 |
Snuol | N/A | 136,135 | 9920 | 80 |