Intensifying Malaria Control and Accelerating Progress Towards Malaria Elimination in Hard-to-reach Areas

Project Title: Intensifying Malaria Control and Accelerating Progress Towards Malaria Elimination in Hard-to-reach Areas
GF-RAI3E grant
Principal Recipient:
Implementing Sub-Recipient:
Medical Action Myanmar (MAM)
01 January 2021 to 31 December 2023

Key Activities

1. Community based malaria case management
2. Intensified case detection in persistent hotspot and high burden villages, new settlements, forests and migrant sites
3. Case based surveillance and malaria elimination
4. Vector control activities (mass LLIN distribution and continuous LLIN distribution)
5. Community engagement and SBCC sessions

Results from Jan-Dec 2024
Location Total Population Target Population Tested Number of suspected malaria cases received parasitological test Positive Case Number of malaria cases received antimalarial treatment
Kale N/A 0 8 N/A
Kyainseikgyi N/A 0 1 N/A
Machanbaw N/A 0 50 N/A
Mawlaik N/A 0 255 N/A
Mingin N/A 0 54 N/A
Nawngmun N/A 0 146 N/A
Paungbyin N/A 0 997 3
Puta-O N/A 0 93 2
Tamu N/A 0 458 2
Thandaunggyi N/A 0 300 1
Tamu N/A 19,264 2637 14
Hpakant N/A 98,147 22963 3021
Tanai N/A 22,817 2812 119
Kale N/A 50,116 6079 29
Thandaunggyi N/A 70,176 13221 184
Kalewa N/A 6,332 668 1
Kawkareik N/A 6,106 1091 6
Kyainseikgyi N/A 121,362 52153 2909
Lahe N/A 52,885 6724 55
Lay Shi N/A 13,068 2243 21
Machanbaw N/A 6,607 826 16
Mawlaik N/A 20,197 5362 30
Mingin N/A 14,219 2159 N/A
Myitkyina N/A 9,986 5955 1609
Nanyun N/A 55,397 8481 53
Nawngmun N/A 5,564 1118 21
Paungbyin N/A 53,780 8508 46
Hkamti N/A 32,943 5764 430
Puta-O N/A 48,234 6885 171