Regional Artemisinin Resistance Initiative 2 – Elimination

Project Title: Regional Artemisinin Resistance Initiative 2 – Elimination
GF-RAI2E grant
Principal Recipient:
Implementing Sub-Recipient:
The Centre for Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology (CMPE) (National)
01 January 2018 to 31 December 2020

Key Activities

• Training of Trainer (TOT) trainings on malaria case management, logistic management, data management, supervision protocol and VMWs management will be provided to 18 Provincial Malaria Units, 143 District Anti-Malaria Nuclei (DAMN), all the Health Centers (HCs) in the country and more than 1,000 Village Malaria Workers (VMWs) in the strata 3 areas.
• Active surveillance trainings and malaria elimination trainings will be provided to all 18 provinces and 143 districts
• Trainings, supervisions and review meetings related to all the Public and Private Mixed (PPM) facilities
• Case investigation, foci investigation and foci response will be carried out in 13 central/ northern provinces
• Develop IEC materials with targeted messages on malaria prevention, care and treatment including promotion of health care seeking behavior
• Procure malaria RDTs and ACTs to be able to cover the consumption at all government health facilities, PPMs and Village Malaria Workers (VMWs) in the country
• Procure G6PD RDT and assay buffers for use at hospital levels
• Procure primaquine for use at hospital level (P. vivax) and up to VMW level (P. falciparum)
• Procure artesunate injection for use at hospital level
• Procure paracetamol and ORS for VMWs as part of ICCM (Integrated Community Case Management)
• Procure microscopy consumables
• Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) for mass distribution in 2019, RAI2E will be contributing half of the LLINs need and the other half will be coming from the government, targeting to cover 100% of strata 3 areas the whole country and strata 2b areas in the south
• Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) for continuous distribution targeting pregnant women, military, (Mobile Migrant Population) MMPs in strata 3 the whole country and strata 2b in the south
• Procurement of (Indoor residual spraying) IRS commodities for spraying for foci response and outbreak response
• Procurement of 4 vehicles and 114 motorbikes to support the active surveillance activities in 13 elimination targeted provinces
• All the provincial and district malaria staffs will be provided with yearly refresher training on DHIS2
• The bottom up planning will be done at each level from health centers to districts and provinces
• Annual planning and review meeting
• Supervision by CMPE, provinces, districts, health centers to each lower level of implementation
• Realignment workshops and National Strategic Plan development meetings will be conducted periodically or on a need basic
• Monthly incentive to VMWs under strata 3
• Monthly travel costs for VMWs under strata 3 to come to Health Centers for reporting and stock replenishment
• Meeting to develop SOPs for supportive supervision and VMWs management
• Bed net survey for outcome indicators
• LLINs mas distribution preparation meetings and pre-distribution census activity
• Microstratification at village level
• Food and Drug inspectors from 19 districts of 3 provinces (Champasack, Sekong, Attapeu) will be trained on how to limit and examine the artemisinin monotherapy, illegal medicines and counterfeit drugs.
• Consultative meeting for anti-malaria drug quality control in 5 southern provinces
• Inspection of pharmacies, clinics and hospitals for oAMT and illegal antimalarials
• Inspection of drug companies in 3 key provinces
• Maintenance of drug registration software for identification of registered drugs
• Drug quality testing
• Provision of tool to differentiate between genuine and fake anti-malarial drugs
• It is forecasted that 145 health facilities at central, provincial and district levels will be rolled out with integrated PSM program and be functioning for inventory management

Results from Jan-Dec 2024
Location Total Population Target Population Tested Number of suspected malaria cases received parasitological test Positive Case Number of malaria cases received antimalarial treatment
Songkhone N/A 107,948 2028 2
Longxan N/A 25,330 498 0
Champhone N/A 117,844 2584 3
Khop N/A 21,917 366 0
Xonbouly N/A 65,139 6324 0
Hongsa N/A 29,919 251 0
Xaybouly N/A 64,520 1223 1
Ngeun N/A 18,763 278 0
Vilabouly N/A 42,329 2882 17
Xienghone N/A 34,734 499 0
Atsaphone N/A 64,311 1791 0
Phiang N/A 61,264 2342 2
Xayphouthong N/A 51,168 818 0
Paklai N/A 72,765 1430 2
Xaybouathong N/A 28,178 1404 0
Thaphalanxay N/A 43,281 4084 2
Kenthao N/A 42,562 534 0
Khounkham N/A 23,697 1325 0
Lamarm N/A 39,061 44318 803
Boten N/A 18,709 338 0
Kaysone N/A 135,597 7283 23
Kaleum N/A 18,814 5687 34
Thongmixay N/A 9,144 372 0
Outhoumphone N/A 98,167 4530 1
Dakcheung N/A 25,584 6507 4
Xaysathan N/A 16,251 114 0
Atsaphangthong N/A 49,684 3899 0
Thateng N/A 43,309 8113 21
Nonghed N/A 39,413 1103 0
Phine N/A 70,253 6384 6
Anouvong N/A 26,452 26 0
Xepone N/A 60,677 19462 102
Thathom N/A 21,733 343 0
Nongbok N/A 51,076 488 0
Longcheng N/A 9,877 195 0
Thapangthong N/A 43,806 7896 15
Hom N/A 11,835 24 0
Phaxay N/A 11,993 577 0
Toumlan N/A 31,586 6425 22
Thakhek N/A 97,388 2221 9
Phonhong N/A 70,149 1883 0
Lakhonepheng N/A 52,177 5300 17
Mahaxay N/A 39,506 1471 0
Mai N/A 27,704 733 0
Vapy N/A 41,000 6204 5
Nhommalath N/A 35,505 1189 0
Khua N/A 27,497 3091 0
Khongxedone N/A 68,667 6732 12
Hinboun N/A 53,766 771 1
Samphanh N/A 25,664 1040 0
Laongam N/A 78,043 5464 4
Nong N/A 31,974 22899 231
Bounneua N/A 23,421 1082 0
Sa Mouay N/A 17,748 30971 65
Boualapha N/A 34,791 6004 173
NhotOu N/A 32,733 6710 0
Viengkham (Vientiane. P) N/A 19,938 586 0
Xebangfay N/A 30,754 1417 1
Chomphet N/A 31,515 710 0
Bountai N/A 25,514 384 0
Hinherb N/A 31,473 781 1
Viengkham (Luang Prabang) N/A 29,923 747 0
Thoulakhom N/A 57,495 1867 0
Meun N/A 43,351 713 0
Phoukhoune N/A 24,321 1319 13
Keo-Oudom N/A 19,141 1740 0
Pakxane N/A 49,195 1997 3
Phonthong (Luang Prabang) N/A 20,007 712 0
Kasy N/A 39,566 602 0
Thaphabath N/A 27,974 427 0
Kham N/A 49,785 889 0
Vangvieng N/A 59,733 1420 0
Pakkading N/A 54,763 766 0
Nga N/A 33,296 998 0
Feuang N/A 44,397 1463 0
Bolikhanh N/A 53,989 954 0
Khoune N/A 34,823 852 0
Xanakharm N/A 43,078 587 0
Khamkeuth N/A 68,325 805 0
Mok-Mai N/A 14,981 699 0
Mad N/A 22,711 1869 0
Viengthong N/A 32,385 411 0
Phoukood N/A 26,214 1885 0
Taoi N/A 34,165 14132 147
Xaychamphone N/A 12,296 241 0
Sanasomboun N/A 73,121 7604 8
Huayxai N/A 76,866 1092 0
Xiengngeun N/A 34,993 870 1
Bachiang N/A 61,798 7983 4
Tonpheung N/A 37,766 519 0
Nan N/A 29,476 1260 0
Pakxong N/A 86,921 10884 9
Meung N/A 15,890 319 0
Pak-Ou N/A 27,059 637 0
Phonthong (Champasack) N/A 100,792 5659 0
PhaOudom N/A 44,813 522 0
Nambak N/A 72,158 1780 0
Soukhouma N/A 61,634 13184 2
Paktha N/A 21,012 974 0
Ngoy N/A 31,113 527 0
Mounlapamok N/A 41,483 7934 7
Xamneua N/A 59,116 732 0
Pakxeng N/A 23,219 1252 0
Khong N/A 99,960 22276 54
Xiengkhor N/A 26,705 643 0
Phonexay N/A 34,136 2172 0
Viengphoukha N/A 26,058 518 0
Hiem N/A 12,669 323 0
Xaythany N/A 212,174 714 N/A
Namor N/A 41,786 597 0
Viengxay N/A 33,182 440 0
Hadxaifong N/A 105,360 979 N/A
Xay N/A 85,597 1155 0
Houameuang N/A 33,938 644 0
Sangthong N/A 31,852 1052 N/A
La N/A 18,482 1229 0
Xam-tay N/A 38,279 699 0
Pakngum N/A 53,119 0 0
Namtha N/A 58,903 1228 1
Sopbao N/A 26,509 720 1
Nalae N/A 25,939 588 0
Naxaithong N/A 81,202 761 N/A
Add N/A 28,041 749 0
Sing N/A 42,783 2221 0
Beng N/A 40,349 1716 0
Kuan N/A 25,550 426 0
Long N/A 37,712 3776 0
Hoon N/A 79,914 1727 0
Son N/A 16,546 426 0
Pakse N/A 83,300 15482 38
Pakbeng N/A 31,646 1515 0
Pek N/A 79,181 650 0
Sanamxay N/A 37,102 7921 50
Sanxay N/A 23,677 17510 367
Phouvong N/A 15,603 23664 881
Chanthabuly N/A 74,681 0 0
Sikhottabong N/A 130,607 4 N/A
Xaysetha (Vientiane. C) N/A 126,204 0 0
Sisattanak N/A 70,930 102 2
Nakay N/A 27,276 1415 0
Xaysetha (Attapeu) N/A 36,988 22113 245
Samakkhixay N/A 40,031 4934 34