Regional Artemisinin Resistance Initiative 2 – Elimination
Key Activities
• Training of Trainer (TOT) trainings on malaria case management, logistic management, data management, supervision protocol and VMWs management will be provided to 18 Provincial Malaria Units, 143 District Anti-Malaria Nuclei (DAMN), all the Health Centers (HCs) in the country and more than 1,000 Village Malaria Workers (VMWs) in the strata 3 areas.
• Active surveillance trainings and malaria elimination trainings will be provided to all 18 provinces and 143 districts
• Trainings, supervisions and review meetings related to all the Public and Private Mixed (PPM) facilities
• Case investigation, foci investigation and foci response will be carried out in 13 central/ northern provinces
• Develop IEC materials with targeted messages on malaria prevention, care and treatment including promotion of health care seeking behavior
• Procure malaria RDTs and ACTs to be able to cover the consumption at all government health facilities, PPMs and Village Malaria Workers (VMWs) in the country
• Procure G6PD RDT and assay buffers for use at hospital levels
• Procure primaquine for use at hospital level (P. vivax) and up to VMW level (P. falciparum)
• Procure artesunate injection for use at hospital level
• Procure paracetamol and ORS for VMWs as part of ICCM (Integrated Community Case Management)
• Procure microscopy consumables
• Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) for mass distribution in 2019, RAI2E will be contributing half of the LLINs need and the other half will be coming from the government, targeting to cover 100% of strata 3 areas the whole country and strata 2b areas in the south
• Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) for continuous distribution targeting pregnant women, military, (Mobile Migrant Population) MMPs in strata 3 the whole country and strata 2b in the south
• Procurement of (Indoor residual spraying) IRS commodities for spraying for foci response and outbreak response
• Procurement of 4 vehicles and 114 motorbikes to support the active surveillance activities in 13 elimination targeted provinces
• All the provincial and district malaria staffs will be provided with yearly refresher training on DHIS2
• The bottom up planning will be done at each level from health centers to districts and provinces
• Annual planning and review meeting
• Supervision by CMPE, provinces, districts, health centers to each lower level of implementation
• Realignment workshops and National Strategic Plan development meetings will be conducted periodically or on a need basic
• Monthly incentive to VMWs under strata 3
• Monthly travel costs for VMWs under strata 3 to come to Health Centers for reporting and stock replenishment
• Meeting to develop SOPs for supportive supervision and VMWs management
• Bed net survey for outcome indicators
• LLINs mas distribution preparation meetings and pre-distribution census activity
• Microstratification at village level
• Food and Drug inspectors from 19 districts of 3 provinces (Champasack, Sekong, Attapeu) will be trained on how to limit and examine the artemisinin monotherapy, illegal medicines and counterfeit drugs.
• Consultative meeting for anti-malaria drug quality control in 5 southern provinces
• Inspection of pharmacies, clinics and hospitals for oAMT and illegal antimalarials
• Inspection of drug companies in 3 key provinces
• Maintenance of drug registration software for identification of registered drugs
• Drug quality testing
• Provision of tool to differentiate between genuine and fake anti-malarial drugs
• It is forecasted that 145 health facilities at central, provincial and district levels will be rolled out with integrated PSM program and be functioning for inventory management
Location | Total Population | Target Population | Tested Number of suspected malaria cases received parasitological test | Positive Case Number of malaria cases received antimalarial treatment |
Songkhone | N/A | 107,948 | 2028 | 2 |
Longxan | N/A | 25,330 | 498 | 0 |
Champhone | N/A | 117,844 | 2584 | 3 |
Khop | N/A | 21,917 | 366 | 0 |
Xonbouly | N/A | 65,139 | 6324 | 0 |
Hongsa | N/A | 29,919 | 251 | 0 |
Xaybouly | N/A | 64,520 | 1223 | 1 |
Ngeun | N/A | 18,763 | 278 | 0 |
Vilabouly | N/A | 42,329 | 2882 | 17 |
Xienghone | N/A | 34,734 | 499 | 0 |
Atsaphone | N/A | 64,311 | 1791 | 0 |
Phiang | N/A | 61,264 | 2342 | 2 |
Xayphouthong | N/A | 51,168 | 818 | 0 |
Paklai | N/A | 72,765 | 1430 | 2 |
Xaybouathong | N/A | 28,178 | 1404 | 0 |
Thaphalanxay | N/A | 43,281 | 4084 | 2 |
Kenthao | N/A | 42,562 | 534 | 0 |
Khounkham | N/A | 23,697 | 1325 | 0 |
Lamarm | N/A | 39,061 | 44318 | 803 |
Boten | N/A | 18,709 | 338 | 0 |
Kaysone | N/A | 135,597 | 7283 | 23 |
Kaleum | N/A | 18,814 | 5687 | 34 |
Thongmixay | N/A | 9,144 | 372 | 0 |
Outhoumphone | N/A | 98,167 | 4530 | 1 |
Dakcheung | N/A | 25,584 | 6507 | 4 |
Xaysathan | N/A | 16,251 | 114 | 0 |
Atsaphangthong | N/A | 49,684 | 3899 | 0 |
Thateng | N/A | 43,309 | 8113 | 21 |
Nonghed | N/A | 39,413 | 1103 | 0 |
Phine | N/A | 70,253 | 6384 | 6 |
Anouvong | N/A | 26,452 | 26 | 0 |
Xepone | N/A | 60,677 | 19462 | 102 |
Thathom | N/A | 21,733 | 343 | 0 |
Nongbok | N/A | 51,076 | 488 | 0 |
Longcheng | N/A | 9,877 | 195 | 0 |
Thapangthong | N/A | 43,806 | 7896 | 15 |
Hom | N/A | 11,835 | 24 | 0 |
Phaxay | N/A | 11,993 | 577 | 0 |
Toumlan | N/A | 31,586 | 6425 | 22 |
Thakhek | N/A | 97,388 | 2221 | 9 |
Phonhong | N/A | 70,149 | 1883 | 0 |
Lakhonepheng | N/A | 52,177 | 5300 | 17 |
Mahaxay | N/A | 39,506 | 1471 | 0 |
Mai | N/A | 27,704 | 733 | 0 |
Vapy | N/A | 41,000 | 6204 | 5 |
Nhommalath | N/A | 35,505 | 1189 | 0 |
Khua | N/A | 27,497 | 3091 | 0 |
Khongxedone | N/A | 68,667 | 6732 | 12 |
Hinboun | N/A | 53,766 | 771 | 1 |
Samphanh | N/A | 25,664 | 1040 | 0 |
Laongam | N/A | 78,043 | 5464 | 4 |
Nong | N/A | 31,974 | 22899 | 231 |
Bounneua | N/A | 23,421 | 1082 | 0 |
Sa Mouay | N/A | 17,748 | 30971 | 65 |
Boualapha | N/A | 34,791 | 6004 | 173 |
NhotOu | N/A | 32,733 | 6710 | 0 |
Viengkham (Vientiane. P) | N/A | 19,938 | 586 | 0 |
Xebangfay | N/A | 30,754 | 1417 | 1 |
Chomphet | N/A | 31,515 | 710 | 0 |
Bountai | N/A | 25,514 | 384 | 0 |
Hinherb | N/A | 31,473 | 781 | 1 |
Viengkham (Luang Prabang) | N/A | 29,923 | 747 | 0 |
Thoulakhom | N/A | 57,495 | 1867 | 0 |
Meun | N/A | 43,351 | 713 | 0 |
Phoukhoune | N/A | 24,321 | 1319 | 13 |
Keo-Oudom | N/A | 19,141 | 1740 | 0 |
Pakxane | N/A | 49,195 | 1997 | 3 |
Phonthong (Luang Prabang) | N/A | 20,007 | 712 | 0 |
Kasy | N/A | 39,566 | 602 | 0 |
Thaphabath | N/A | 27,974 | 427 | 0 |
Kham | N/A | 49,785 | 889 | 0 |
Vangvieng | N/A | 59,733 | 1420 | 0 |
Pakkading | N/A | 54,763 | 766 | 0 |
Nga | N/A | 33,296 | 998 | 0 |
Feuang | N/A | 44,397 | 1463 | 0 |
Bolikhanh | N/A | 53,989 | 954 | 0 |
Khoune | N/A | 34,823 | 852 | 0 |
Xanakharm | N/A | 43,078 | 587 | 0 |
Khamkeuth | N/A | 68,325 | 805 | 0 |
Mok-Mai | N/A | 14,981 | 699 | 0 |
Mad | N/A | 22,711 | 1869 | 0 |
Viengthong | N/A | 32,385 | 411 | 0 |
Phoukood | N/A | 26,214 | 1885 | 0 |
Taoi | N/A | 34,165 | 14132 | 147 |
Xaychamphone | N/A | 12,296 | 241 | 0 |
Sanasomboun | N/A | 73,121 | 7604 | 8 |
Huayxai | N/A | 76,866 | 1092 | 0 |
Xiengngeun | N/A | 34,993 | 870 | 1 |
Bachiang | N/A | 61,798 | 7983 | 4 |
Tonpheung | N/A | 37,766 | 519 | 0 |
Nan | N/A | 29,476 | 1260 | 0 |
Pakxong | N/A | 86,921 | 10884 | 9 |
Meung | N/A | 15,890 | 319 | 0 |
Pak-Ou | N/A | 27,059 | 637 | 0 |
Phonthong (Champasack) | N/A | 100,792 | 5659 | 0 |
PhaOudom | N/A | 44,813 | 522 | 0 |
Nambak | N/A | 72,158 | 1780 | 0 |
Soukhouma | N/A | 61,634 | 13184 | 2 |
Paktha | N/A | 21,012 | 974 | 0 |
Ngoy | N/A | 31,113 | 527 | 0 |
Mounlapamok | N/A | 41,483 | 7934 | 7 |
Xamneua | N/A | 59,116 | 732 | 0 |
Pakxeng | N/A | 23,219 | 1252 | 0 |
Khong | N/A | 99,960 | 22276 | 54 |
Xiengkhor | N/A | 26,705 | 643 | 0 |
Phonexay | N/A | 34,136 | 2172 | 0 |
Viengphoukha | N/A | 26,058 | 518 | 0 |
Hiem | N/A | 12,669 | 323 | 0 |
Xaythany | N/A | 212,174 | 714 | N/A |
Namor | N/A | 41,786 | 597 | 0 |
Viengxay | N/A | 33,182 | 440 | 0 |
Hadxaifong | N/A | 105,360 | 979 | N/A |
Xay | N/A | 85,597 | 1155 | 0 |
Houameuang | N/A | 33,938 | 644 | 0 |
Sangthong | N/A | 31,852 | 1052 | N/A |
La | N/A | 18,482 | 1229 | 0 |
Xam-tay | N/A | 38,279 | 699 | 0 |
Pakngum | N/A | 53,119 | 0 | 0 |
Namtha | N/A | 58,903 | 1228 | 1 |
Sopbao | N/A | 26,509 | 720 | 1 |
Nalae | N/A | 25,939 | 588 | 0 |
Naxaithong | N/A | 81,202 | 761 | N/A |
Add | N/A | 28,041 | 749 | 0 |
Sing | N/A | 42,783 | 2221 | 0 |
Beng | N/A | 40,349 | 1716 | 0 |
Kuan | N/A | 25,550 | 426 | 0 |
Long | N/A | 37,712 | 3776 | 0 |
Hoon | N/A | 79,914 | 1727 | 0 |
Son | N/A | 16,546 | 426 | 0 |
Pakse | N/A | 83,300 | 15482 | 38 |
Pakbeng | N/A | 31,646 | 1515 | 0 |
Pek | N/A | 79,181 | 650 | 0 |
Sanamxay | N/A | 37,102 | 7921 | 50 |
Sanxay | N/A | 23,677 | 17510 | 367 |
Phouvong | N/A | 15,603 | 23664 | 881 |
Chanthabuly | N/A | 74,681 | 0 | 0 |
Sikhottabong | N/A | 130,607 | 4 | N/A |
Xaysetha (Vientiane. C) | N/A | 126,204 | 0 | 0 |
Sisattanak | N/A | 70,930 | 102 | 2 |
Nakay | N/A | 27,276 | 1415 | 0 |
Xaysetha (Attapeu) | N/A | 36,988 | 22113 | 245 |
Samakkhixay | N/A | 40,031 | 4934 | 34 |