Regional Artemisinin Initiative (RAI3E)

Project Title: Regional Artemisinin Initiative (RAI3E)
GF-RAI3E grant
Principal Recipient:
Implementing Sub-Recipient:
The Centre for Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology (CMPE) (National)
01 January 2021 to 31 December 2023

Key Activities

1. Case management: Integrated community case management through a network of 2,200 village malaria volunteers in malaria high and moderate burden areas; case management through health centers, hospitals and private sectors; active case detection and investigation; integrated drug efficacy surveillance
2. Vector Control: 100% LLINs coverage for malaria high and moderate burden areas through mass campaigns; LLINs distribution targeted to mobile migrant populations, pregnant women and military; entomological monitoring
3. RSSH - Health Management Information Systems and M&E: capacity building of health staff on DHIS2 and surveillance; continuous update of malaria stratification; LLINs post-distribution survey; supervision visits to different levels
4. RSSH - Health sector governance and planning: high level advocacy for sustainable financing for malaria; Technical working groups meetings;
5. Program management: bottom-up planning meetings with all provinces and districts every 6 months; human resource support at central and provincial level;
6. Procurement and supply chain management: procurement of malaria RDTs, ACTs, LLINs, other non-health items

Results from Jan-Dec 2024
Location Total Population Target Population Tested Number of suspected malaria cases received parasitological test Positive Case Number of malaria cases received antimalarial treatment
Thoulakhom 52,472 52,472 1,661 N/A
Khop 26,306 26,306 517 N/A
Phaxay 20,836 20,836 570 N/A
Keo-Oudom 19,991 19,991 1,278 N/A
Hongsa 35,906 35,906 665 N/A
Lamarm 45,006 45,006 27,907 64
Kasy 42,755 42,755 1,436 N/A
Ngeun 24,659 24,659 655 N/A
Kaleum 15,142 15,142 13,846 42
Vangvieng 62,840 62,840 1,963 N/A
Xienghone 37,364 37,364 774 N/A
Dakcheung 23,182 23,182 11,860
Feuang 49,592 49,592 1,046 N/A
Phiang 62,931 62,931 1,813 N/A
Thateng 48,287 48,287 20,961 6
Xanakharm 46,381 46,381 985 N/A
Paklai 72,936 72,936 1,374 N/A
Chanthabuly 146,996 146,996 61 2
Mad 24,795 24,795 2,396 N/A
Kenthao 45,716 45,716 1,247 N/A
Sikhottabong 28,908 28,908 20
Viengkham (Vientiane. P) 36,228 36,228 543 N/A
Boten 18,407 18,407 935 N/A
Xaysetha (Vientiane. C) 96,450 96,450 15
Hinherb 33,534 33,534 634 N/A
Thongmixay 7,779 7,779 431 N/A
Sisattanak 74,124 74,124 12
Meun 43,525 43,525 792 N/A
Xaysathan 19,312 19,312 416 N/A
Naxaithong 112,100 112,100 977
Anouvong 31,763 31,763 539 N/A
Pek 74,138 74,138 1,223 N/A
Xaythany 303,055 303,055 1,228
Thathom 27,928 27,928 630 N/A
Kham 61,847 61,847 1,873 N/A
Hadxaifong 112,088 112,088 2
Longcheng 32,818 32,818 444 N/A
Nonghed 61,571 61,571 2,495 N/A
Sangthong 35,543 35,543 997
Hom 9,559 9,559 227 N/A
Khoune 38,887 38,887 1,026 N/A
Pakngum 63,786 63,786 1,120
Longxan 10,941 10,941 619 N/A
Mok-Mai 21,539 21,539 1,223 N/A
Phonhong 59,914 59,914 1,657 N/A
Xayabury 90,196 90,196 2,011 N/A
Phoukood 35,373 35,373 1,775 N/A
Sanxay 30,892 30,892 26,322 19
Bachiang 63,012 63,012 15,453
Kuan 18,707 18,707 1,103 N/A
Nambak 67,157 67,157 2,148 N/A
Nga 37,422 37,422 1,659 N/A
Khongxedone 59,096 59,096 14,814
Xayphouthong 52,259 52,259 2,585
Phouvong 16,755 16,755 30,933 73
Paksong 90,512 90,512 20,645 2
Son 17,870 17,870 577 N/A
Ngoy 38,713 38,713 921 N/A
Beng 49,541 49,541 1,561 N/A
Laongam 93,917 93,917 16,025
Thaphalanxay 49,444 49,444 5,539
Huayxai 80,255 80,255 2,696 N/A
Pathoumphone 71,499 71,499 41,930 8
Thakhek 88,599 88,599 7,122
Pakxeng 13,667 13,667 1,811 N/A
Hoon 89,440 89,440 1,764 N/A
Sa Mouay 20,202 20,202 20,897 1
Tonpheung 39,283 39,283 847 N/A
Phonthong (Champasack) 81,300 81,300 8,271 2
Mahaxay 51,359 51,359 1,997
Phonexay 31,441 31,441 2,506 N/A
Pakbeng 31,683 31,683 1,212 N/A
Kaysone 142,376 142,376 9,030 1
Meung 16,313 16,313 624 N/A
Champasack 74,254 74,254 23,248
Nongbok 59,113 59,113 641
Chomphet 42,247 42,247 1,356 N/A
Phongsaly 30,647 30,647 1,928 N/A
Outhoumphone 98,037 98,037 8,050
PhaOudom 40,368 40,368 1,229 N/A
Others 67,503 67,503 19,130 1
Hinboun 58,051 58,051 1,090
Viengkham (Luang Prabang) 25,220 25,220 1,496 N/A
Mai 29,645 29,645 811 N/A
Atsaphangthong 59,829 59,829 8,476
Paktha 21,408 21,408 1,128 N/A
Mounlapamok 41,420 41,420 11,307
Nhommalath 40,890 40,890 3,662
Phoukhoune 20,360 20,360 2,291 N/A
Khua 35,511 35,511 2,282 N/A
Phine 77,595 77,595 20,164 5
Pakxane 52,891 52,891 1,722 N/A
Khong 92,210 92,210 24,814 2
Boualapha 38,845 38,845 6,156
Phonthong (Luang Prabang) 23,147 23,147 1,038 N/A
Samphanh 24,038 24,038 2,022 N/A
Others 61,715 61,715 35,188 25
Thaphabath 27,498 27,498 1,133 N/A
Xamneua 64,078 64,078 2,198 N/A
Nakay 29,711 29,711 10,012 249
Namtha 62,240 62,240 2,056 N/A
Bounneua 24,771 24,771 1,080 N/A
Nong 44,386 44,386 36,422 22
Pakkading 52,254 52,254 1,210 N/A
Xiengkhor 34,477 34,477 1,036 N/A
Xebangfay 35,296 35,296 1,715
Sing 49,354 49,354 3,625 N/A
NhotOu 28,364 28,364 2,084 N/A
Thapangthong 36,653 36,653 13,731
Bolikhanh 78,651 78,651 1,588 N/A
Hiem 19,493 19,493 512 N/A
Xaybouathong 25,826 25,826 1,392
Long 30,825 30,825 2,828 N/A
Bountai 39,196 39,196 604 N/A
Songkhone 109,986 109,986 5,860
Khamkeuth 75,820 75,820 2,070 N/A
Viengxay 45,853 45,853 1,322 N/A
Khounkham 29,433 29,433 2,256 1
Viengphoukha 33,379 33,379 1,586 N/A
Saravane 130,469 130,469 28,585 21
Champhone 135,089 135,089 4,313
Viengthong 36,433 36,433 1,174 N/A
Houameuang 44,402 44,402 1,245 N/A
Luang Prabang 88,459 88,459 1,492 N/A
Nalae 31,148 31,148 1,585 N/A
Taoi 42,370 42,370 21,092 15
Xaybouly 57,522 57,522 9,025 N/A
Xaychamphone 15,149 15,149 538 N/A
Xam-tay 76,489 76,489 1,120 N/A
Xiengngeun 35,422 35,422 1,011 N/A
Xay 89,369 89,369 1,048 N/A
Toumlan 29,718 29,718 11,592 28
Xonbouly 68,410 68,410 2,318 1
Samakkhixay 20,504 20,504 9,440 1
Pakse 76,820 76,820 23,762 22
Sopbao 32,596 32,596 978 N/A
Nan 31,120 31,120 1,449 N/A
La 26,679 26,679 1,196 N/A
Lakhonepheng 57,945 57,945 13,308
Vilabouly 44,972 44,972 6,446 1
Sanamxay 54,155 54,155 17,701 35
Sanasomboun 66,054 66,054 12,713
Et 32,369 32,369 1,210 N/A
Pak-Ou 34,216 34,216 686 N/A
Namor 51,119 51,119 1,860 N/A
Vapy 42,049 42,049 10,883 6
Atsaphone 59,286 59,286 8,553
Xaysetha (Attapeu) 48,265 48,265 18,760 43