Community Based Malaria Prevention and Control Project (CBMPCP)

Project Title: Community Based Malaria Prevention and Control Project (CBMPCP)
GF-RAI3E grant
Principal Recipient:
Implementing Sub-Recipient:
Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC)
01 January 2021 to 31 December 2023

Key Activities

1. Vector Control activities (periodic mosquito net ownership surveys, mass LLIN distribution and continuous LLIN distribution)
2. Community based malaria case management and active case detection in mobile migrant populations
3. Training/ refresher training of Integrated Community Malaria Volunteers, malaria elimination training of project staffs and MCBRS trainings for case based reporting
4. Supportive supervision and monitoring activities at all levels
5. Case notification, case investigation and response with respective VBDC teams
6. Coordination meetings and workshops at different levels including township malaria elimination coordination committee meeting (Mindat township)

Results from Jan-Dec 2024
Location Total Population Target Population Tested Number of suspected malaria cases received parasitological test Positive Case Number of malaria cases received antimalarial treatment
Tedim N/A 25,684 645 2
Thantlang N/A 7,228 870 40
Tonzang N/A 10,717 212 N/A
Bhamo N/A 9,597 1733 163
Waingmaw N/A 23,113 4016 705
Falam N/A 8,665 980 3
Kale N/A 42,960 1183 1
Kalewa N/A 18,355 1187 14
Katha N/A 25,870 2076 522
Mansi N/A 7,340 1502 334
Mindat N/A 4,861 505 1
Mogaung N/A 13,267 1387 107
Mohnyin N/A 18,340 1318 59
Momauk N/A 12,021 2277 121
Myitkyina N/A 22,678 2619 703
Shwegu N/A 12,988 3135 949